Get Confident in your Tech

Ready To Gain Confidence In Your Tech Stack ?

Remove The Guesswork And Let Your Business Run On Autopilot

With Peace Of Mind!

Your intentions were good. The calendar was set. The ideas were flowing.

And then...right as you hover over that publish button, you freeze. What if, even after countless tests your automations don’t fire, or your webhook into Zapier isn’t caught, or there’s angry customers who can’t access their purchase?

This isn’t a “you” problem by the way. This is quite normal and across the board, and there’s really one simple reason why:

The tech that runs the behind the scenes of a business can quickly

and easily grow to become an unchecked monster.

Think about it, you started out DIY’ing on a shoe-string budget. Now you have a few launches under your belt and a few more offerings, but there are pieces everywhere. It is easy to see how this might turn into a Frankenstein’s Monster situation and before you know it rather than helping your business, this Techy Frankenstein is a time suck and a fulltime job just to maintain.

So what do you Actually need?

Time to get serious about taming your tech monster.

A Tech and Marketing Expert that marries Marketing strategy with Tech and Systems Strategy to bring a streamlined, money and time saving system that aligns with your goals and builds a solid foundation to bring your best ideas to life on.

We’re dedicated to finding the best tech solution for your business needs...

using the tech you already have.


“ Her technical knowledge and troubleshooting skills are some of the best we’ve seen.

"Crystal is an incredibly valuable and supportive member of the GeekPack team. Determination, patience, persistence, and completeness are some of our highest values and Crystal embodies all of these qualities in her work. No task has ever been too challenging for Crystal. She has an obvious love for learning new skills in order to be able to complete the job at hand. This makes her such an asset and a pleasure to work with. Crystal will take full ownership of a project and see it through to the end, and to an incredibly high standard too. Her technical knowledge and troubleshooting skills are some of the best we’ve seen. With her problem-solving abilities and confidence, there is nothing that she couldn’t excel at. Being able to work well as part of a team and also use her initiative when flying solo is such a rare balance to find, but Crystal makes it look effortless. I would recommend Crystal to anyone in a heartbeat!”

Julia Taylor

CEO & Founder of GeekPack

Whether this is your first (or 27th) Year, the process we use is the same because, well... it just works.

We call it Tech Dx,

a done for you service we use with all our VIP clients.


first step:

We set aside a time to walk through all the tech you use in your business alongside your current processes.



I evaluate and diagnose your current tech and processes to identify areas of opportunity, as well as chokepoints that are holding you back from meeting your goals.



We dedicate time to going through the status of your current system and it’s functionality, and determine how best to utilize your your current tech stack to deliver the best customer experience while saving you time and money in your business.



We provide you with a no obligation, detailed breakdown of the cost and timeline for Crystal to optimize your tech for you. (Including a $200 discount if you choose to move forward within 30 days)

I currently offer the Tech DX service with info product creators who...

Just getting started and wants to put their best tech-step forward

DIY’d their systems and processes and are ready for an expert eye on the situation

Are not confident in current system and know it could be better

Knows there’s something going on with their tech and connections, but not sure what

Tired of making quick fixes here and there until the next break happens

Wants a total overhaul of their tech stack and systems.

Ashley Green

Owner of Ashley Green Company

“Crystal came in and fixed EVERYTHING!”

Oh my gosh!! Crystal is a LIFESAVER! I tried to set up my email system for the launch of my new course and I messed it up terribly. Crystal came in and fixed EVERYTHING! She took time out of her busy day to help me fix my email automation and I am eternally grateful! She was fast, efficient, and very professional! 100% would recommend Crystal and her services!

You Can Also Have These Amazing Results

In addition to all that, I also add these extra’s to all client projects:

Tech Stack Visual Map

Workflows and lists of Tech you use can feel tough to slog through when there's so many other things going on in your business. This is why Crystal swears by building out a visual map of your Current Tech Stack so you can see at-a-glance what you're using and how.

extra one

extra two

The Tech Dynamic Dossier

The Tech Dynamic Dossier is a living Document custom built just for you. Crystal aims to solve the biggest obstruction to feeling confident in your tech: Being oblivious of your tech and how t use it. Even if you've hired someone to handle your tech, the key to having confidence in your tech is knowing what you are using and how. Crystal creates your company's custom Tech Dynamic Dossier to and best practices for updating it.

The Visionary Tech Roadmap

It's not enough to know what is and isn't working with your tech. It isn't even good enough to know what your using and how. What is really going to be the Gamechanger in your business is The Visionary Tech Roadmap. This roadmap is comprised of several components, namely: a visual map of your tech stack's ideal state, an outline of how to achieve the ideal state, and the best way to implement it without causing interruptions in your business.

extra Three

Are you the next expert creator we get to partner with? Let’s find out!

Each month I take on just two projects.

We’d love to see what you’re up to, and if we're the right partner for you. We have a few questions, and then I’ll set up a call to make sure we're answering all your questions.

Submit Your application today!

Crystal Silvas

Marketing & Tech Expert

About Crystal Silvas:

99% of up-and-coming online businesses get caught in this familiar trap..

  • They focus on great design but at the cost of good marketing strategy.
  • They concoct a great strategy but don't have the tech to handle it flawlessly.

That’s where Crystal comes in. With more than a decade of setting up systems, troubleshooting tech and building out websites, alongside a solid foundation in marketing as a FGS Certified Master Marketer (Triple Threat: Strategy, Copy, & Design), Crystal thrives in building out, streamlining and optimizing the backend tech stack for busy info product creators that want to be confident in their tech and know, not only is it working, but its saving them time and money and optimized to deliver unparalleled experiences.

Brilliant Marketing + Tech Expert =

Your New Secret Weapon

Want to see some of our projects?

Aryeh Sheinbein

6 Figure Future Fund Launch Debrief

Renee Hribar

Funnel Upper Relaunch of Sales Program